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Since 2004, BLACD has received support from Dutch Oxfam Novib to empower women and improve democracy at the village level.

Since 2006, the American Ford Foundation has been supporting BLACD to build the capacity of civil society organizations in Minya. Prior to this the Ford Foundation supported BLACD efforts to improve the livelihood of Fisher Folk.

Since 2004, BLACD has received support from Swedish Diakonia to prevent young girls from being subjected to the harmful tradition of Female Genital Mutilation.

Since 2004, British Christian Aid has supported BLACD in its efforts to improve the livelihood of poor fishing communities along the Nile. Christian Aid is also supporting BLACD efforts to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS in 20 communities in Minya.

Since 2004, BLACD has been working with UNICEF to eliminate the tradition of Female Genital Mutilation in villages in Minya.

Since 2008, EFG-Hermes Foundation has supported BLACD in its efforts to improve housing and install sanitary latrines and provide piped clean water to houses lacking this basic service.

Since 2004, BLACD has been using art to teach children about Human Rights as part of the nation-wide Think Twice project funded by UNDP.

Since 2007, BLACD has received support from the Delegation of the European Commission to Egypt to increase democracy at the village level to the capital.

BLACD is a HIC and HLRN member since 2003

Words of Beneficiaries

“I have grown in my eyes. Now I know that not only my parents and the owner of the factory have rights, but I also have rights” A child laborer/

Past Projects
