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We are civic human not for profit organization that is established on 1995 in Mina Governorate. Its geographic scope is Egypt. BLACD has a board of governance formed of five members from both men and women. It has 50 full time staff and 150 volunteers; BLACD is unique in targeting marginalized people such as quarries labors, fishermen, small farmers, and women,

Since the year 2000 BLACD is adopting human rights developments based approach and integrates this approach into its policies and strategies instead of filling the needs and gaps and provide services. BLACD works to raise the awareness toward giving the rights to marginalized and deprived people. BLACD also focuses on poor people organization in informal and formal institutions and movements as well as build their capacity to get their rights and to lead and implement their own advocacy campaigns.

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  • Egyptian communities – with the focus on Upper Egypt area - enjoy their rights and positively participate in addressing their own life issues, for their` better life.
  • BLACD is pioneer and effective because it owns the needed systems, relations, human resources, finance and information that ensure its ability to achieve its vision.

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  • We (BLACD) work to empower the most marginalized and poorest people to enjoy their rights through promoting the culture of Right Based Approach in development, community organization, empowering the executive and civic institutions to play their community roles effectively and link them with policies makers and help them to lead advocacy issues and build local, regional and international networks 
  • BLACD uniqueness are the many years of experiences in the field of community and rights development as well as human relief services. BLACD has strong relationships and networks with other local, regional and international individuals and organizations. BLACD has clear and written internal financial and administration systems

Words of Beneficiaries

“I have grown in my eyes. Now I know that not only my parents and the owner of the factory have rights, but I also have rights” A child laborer/

Past Projects
