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Partner with BLACD for Development


The Better Life Association for Comprehensive Development has great experience in working with international donors such as the European Commission, Oxfam Novib, Ford Foundation, Christian Aid, Diakonia, Hermes Foundation, UNDP and UNICEF to reach common goals. We have a long record of successful project implementation in a wide range of development fields including democracy, housing, child protection, women’s empowerment, education, health and environment. 

Our target groups include women, children, quarry workers, fishermen and farmers. BLACD has particular experience in the areas of advocacy and awareness-raising based on the Rights Based Approach. We have a vast understanding of local problems and culture and long experience of working in a large number of villages surrounding Minya. 

We were the first and remain the main organization working in villages on the East Bank of the Nile in Minya. Our experience also extends to project implementation in Cairo and other Governorates in Upper Egypt, including Fayyum, Beni Suef, Assyut, Sohag, Qena and Aswan.   

BLACD is looking to establish new long-time partnerships with organizations and agencies who share our vision of a society free of poverty, violence, illiteracy and unemployment. If you would like to discuss a project idea with us, please contact Mr. Maher Boshra: 
+2 086 2329575/ 086 2330661 
Below will be posted concept notes of projects which BLACD seeks funding for.




Words of Beneficiaries

“We used to suffer a lot going back and forth to bring water to the house, but now we spend more time taking care of our children” A woman who received clean piped water to her house/

Water and Sanitation
